Saturday 28 February 2009

Still here......

Just to apologise for the long silence since Tuesday - we're still in Istanbul and are very well and happy! There is so much to do here that there hasn't been much time for blogging and in any case, the internet connection is highly dodgy. If I manage to publish this post without the whole thing blacking out and having to re-write it, it will be a minor miracle. We've just got back from a Turkish bath and are currently far too relaxed to write anything of interest. We're planning on a major blog session before we leave for Bulgaria tomorrow evening. Now we have to eat an entire box of Turkish delight which we were talked into buying at the Spice Bazaar so we're off to get sweet and sticky. More tomorrow!


  1. Keira and Laura here. Glad you are both ok. What flavour turkish delight are you eating? We managed to miss Greg at 'bumps' but have enjoyed being in the Eagle pub and eating lots of comfort food.Love you both loads, L and Kxx

  2. But surely you're sweet enough already? :-)
    Looking forward to the next post!

  3. Sorry to hear about the internet connection. I know the feeling - when I was blogging from St Petersburg there were regular power failures, not helped by the fact that I was having to use a Cyrillic keyboard, in the dark...
