Well apart from a slightly dodgy oil leak before take-off yesterday, our journey to Istanbul has been brilliant. We flew over the entire city in the dark, the boats on the Bosophorus looking like little tea lights and landed in a flurry of snow, which was slightly unexpected. It is still snowing/raining slightly this morning, and we are about to go and see the sights of Byzantine Istanbul (we are splitting it up into eras so we don't get confused).
The hostel itself is lovely, although we've dicovered it doesn't have a kitchen. We are sharing a room with one American guy and two German girls who are all about our age, which is a relief as we thought it would be too quiet here. I'm writing this on the top floor of the hostel which is where most of the socialising happens. Three sides of it are open so you get a panoramic view of the city. I'm looking out over the Sea of Marmaris and feeling quite glad we didn't decide to go on a boat trip today, as it's not what you might call calm...
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Sounds very exciting, although you forgot one important fact- what are the toilets like?!?
ReplyDeleteI'm slightly drunk and still drinking which is not boding well for the completion of patient histories, although they have finally passed me in paeds. Do you need me to send anything out with rob? Toothpaste, toilet roll etc?? Missing you both lots. Lxxx