At 3.30 this morning, Lucy and I could have been on a film set. A burly guard came to our three-person cabin and told us we had to get out for a passport check. We dutifully followed the other weary-looking travellers and went out on to the platform. Then we had to cross several tracks and climb back on to another platform into a little soviet-style booth and queue to get our passport checked. Or at least we thought you had to queue. However, this didn't seem to be everyone's principle as several little old ladies just wandered up the queue, found a space they liked (generally near the front), and stood there, not even looking slightly embarrassed. Needless to say Lucy and I did not adopt this tactic and duly waited our turn.
After being checked, we trundled back to our cabin, and apart from another check on the Bulgarian side, there were no other stops. We arrived in Plovdiv at 8.30 this morning and walked the mile or so up to the hostel. The Hiker's Hostel is lovely and we are the only people staying in the dorm so it is nice to be able to completely relax. We are going to chill out today, do some washing, have a much needed shower and drink lots of mint tea. This is the life...
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